The survey, conducted by the Martin Agency, involved a representative sample of 10,000 fathers with children under 18 years old living in the household and used data from consumer intelligence groups GfK MRI group and Peacock Nine.
According to the survey the main characteristics of each of these five father types are:
The Partner Dad accounted for 25 percent of respondents, approximately 9.8 million American dads. Characteristics of Partner Dads include working with their partner to accomplish tasks; free time is seen as a luxury and is spent in front of the TV.
The Renaissance Dad: 19 percent, approximately 7.3 million dads are Renaissance dads. Personality traits include strengthening the family through learning and making a point of having dinner together every night; free time is spent reading or jogging.
The Durable Dad leads by example. Generally speaking this type of father has more traditional values than others and places family first, then community; 25 percent or approximately 9.8 million fathers fit this type.
The Hip Pop type of father accounts for 5.3 million, or 14 percent of dads. Hip Pops try to be friends as well as parents to their children. Free time is spent with friends or playing sports.
The Leader of the Pack personality type accounts for 17 percent or 6.6 million dads in the USA. Main characteristics include being ambitious and status oriented and instilling those values in his children.
Comic website College Humor takes a rather different, if less scientific approach to 'dad classification,' listing seven types of dad including the Has-Been Dad, who constantly tells you how cool he used to be, and the Mom Dad who will teach you the difference between French and American meringues and how to seduce women with baked goods.
Father's Day is celebrated in many countries on the third Sunday of June -- this year June 19. Retailers, including Amazon and eBay, amongst others, are currently offering consumers specially selected Father's Day gifts.
According to the survey the main characteristics of each of these five father types are:
The Partner Dad accounted for 25 percent of respondents, approximately 9.8 million American dads. Characteristics of Partner Dads include working with their partner to accomplish tasks; free time is seen as a luxury and is spent in front of the TV.
The Renaissance Dad: 19 percent, approximately 7.3 million dads are Renaissance dads. Personality traits include strengthening the family through learning and making a point of having dinner together every night; free time is spent reading or jogging.
The Durable Dad leads by example. Generally speaking this type of father has more traditional values than others and places family first, then community; 25 percent or approximately 9.8 million fathers fit this type.
The Hip Pop type of father accounts for 5.3 million, or 14 percent of dads. Hip Pops try to be friends as well as parents to their children. Free time is spent with friends or playing sports.
The Leader of the Pack personality type accounts for 17 percent or 6.6 million dads in the USA. Main characteristics include being ambitious and status oriented and instilling those values in his children.
Comic website College Humor takes a rather different, if less scientific approach to 'dad classification,' listing seven types of dad including the Has-Been Dad, who constantly tells you how cool he used to be, and the Mom Dad who will teach you the difference between French and American meringues and how to seduce women with baked goods.
Father's Day is celebrated in many countries on the third Sunday of June -- this year June 19. Retailers, including Amazon and eBay, amongst others, are currently offering consumers specially selected Father's Day gifts.